[K4RY] AUARC discussion today, 4 March 2010

WB4LNM at aol.com WB4LNM at aol.com
Thu Mar 4 21:02:53 CST 2010

A couple of us got together today at the club and then moved the discussion 
 over to Chick Fil A.  If you were there, thanks for your support to the  
club - if not, we missed you!  Starting to get a bit more activity on the 2  
meter repeater, despite its current deafness.  My thought right now is that  
we'll add a preamplifier to the receive side.  The transmitter side is  
doing very well, so the antenna doesn't appear to be a problem.  
I am not sure just who is on the K4RY mailing list here.  If someone  has a 
listing and will send me a copy, I would appreciate it.  We need  to make 
sure this is current.  For instance, I'm not sure that Joel is  getting this, 
so someone please pass the note to him.   

In response to Aubrey's suggestion of a club construction project, I'm  
proposing the inexpensive Pixie II HF transceiver, configured for 40  meters.  
The Pixie II is a full transceiver made from two inexpensive  transistors 
and one IC.  All three license classes can use this  transceiver.  For those 
who don't want to get into Morse code, the input  and output of the 
transceiver should be 'connectable' to a PC to decode the CW  and send the same.  A 
kit appears to be available from HSC for $10.   That will be a challenging 
project in itself.  
Keith, AK4KO, was able to repair cracks to the traces on the Club's IC-207  
FM transceiver VHF power module, so now I'll slip it back into the radio 
and see  where we are.  This should make a good transceiver for operating from 
Broun  411.   Keith has also fabricated a bracket to fit on the roof of 
Broun  to hold a "Copper Cactus" 2 m J-pole antenna.  Better weather should see 
us  getting up there to affix the antenna and connect it to the feedline.
I'm hearing on a local net tonight that EAARC is planning its next VEC  
testing session on 16 March.  I'm not sure if that is really good timing or  
not, because I think that is in the middle of spring semester break.  
For those of you with a free Saturday morning this Saturday is the  
BirmingHamfest at the Zamora Shrine temple just southeast of B'Ham.   Entrance fee 
is $8.   It was a pretty good hamfest last year.   Take your 'buy' list - 
the weather is supposed to be good and the flea market  will probably be 
better attended than last year.  I'd guess you could go  and be back in Auburn by 
mid or late afternoon.  
I attended a meeting at the SGA about University clubs and their  
relationship to the school.  Very informative, and I'm still digesting the  
information.  Some of the tools would be very helpful to use, including web  space, 
and we know that what we have on the current web site is long outdated  and 
difficult to access.  More news on all of that in the future.  
I see from the 10 day forecast that antenna hanging time is starting to  
form.  I hope to get at least some wires up in these trees to operate  this 
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