[K4RY] HAM radio testing

Byron Caudle caudlbt at auburn.edu
Fri Mar 12 12:08:08 CST 2010

The university amateur radio testing session has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 24th at 6:15 pm. Meet in Allison 201 (the physic conference room) and we will more to an open classroom in Parker Hall. Please read the following page regarding materials to bring to the exam: http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examsearch.phtml 

The following is a list of resources that may prove useful as study aides. 

Finally, everyone interested in taking an exam needs to e-mail me by the Monday (22nd) at 9PM and let me know you want to take the test (and which test, Tech, General, Extra). I need this information to pass along the Volunteer Exam Coordinator so that we can reserve you a spot for testing. 


Byron Caudle
ECE Department GRA
Auburn University
421 Broun Hall
caudlbt at auburn.edu
334-844-1873 (office)
334-787-0574 (cell)

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