[K4RY] University 160th Anniversary Celebration

John Klingelhoeffer wb4lnm at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 09:16:51 CST 2016

Just a thought, Chris:  No reason why AUARC could not request a special
event callsign for this as we did for the SEC radio event in AU's
championship year.


At that time, AUARC asked for and received "W1E", for which we used, of
course, "War One Eagle", as the phonetics, but there are 750 to choose
from, and can start with K, N, or W.  The requester is not limited to 4th
area call sign numbers.

Maybe something else is more appropriate for the 160th anniversary.  Okay,
there is, "W1S", for "WarEagle One Sixty", but that might be a stretch!

Also just a reminder from that special event experience.  We had a heck of
a time with the AU corporate trademark and licensing folks getting a QSL
card design and printer approved.  So, if AUARC is going to have ANY
registered trademark of the University involved in a certificate or QSL
card, start early, and expect a more-than-you-thought expense to use an
"approved printer", who is supposed to be responsible to get the color
shades right.

Forewarned is forearmed.  I am trying to be realistic here, and not
attempting to throw a wet blanket on things.

I would be sort of surprised if the University allowed AUARC to set up on
Samford lawn on A-Day, but I guess it is worth a shot.  From what I have
seen, that area seems to be kept as preened and pristine as possible so
that alumni can take pictures out front there with Samford in the
background.  AUARC might have better luck getting a spot along Ginn
Concourse between Broun Hall and the L building or the Shops.  There is a
little bit of green along there and the traffic on A-Day should be high,
rather than being shunted to some backwater place on campus.

The antenna(s) will be a challenge, as 20 and 40 meters will be the only
predictably good bands at that time of day.  Thankfully, there are no
contests on the calendar for that weekend you mentioned.  A
shortened-by-loading 40 meter dipole would not be out of the question since
bandwidth is not an issue.  In fact, a trap dipole for 20 and 40 meters
would be a good and simple Club project that could be used again in the
future.  If AUARC does not have the parts in its junk box to make the
traps, I'm sure some nearby alumni could provide them.   Just don't wait
until the last minute to build the antenna, because it will involve



On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 8:15 AM, Christopher Hathcock <
cwh0009 at tigermail.auburn.edu> wrote:

> We discussed this at the last meeting but I don’t think we made any
> decisions. We’re working with Dr. Schneller in the chemistry department to
> get something set up this semester. Our goal right now is to see if we
> could get a station operating on Samford lawn during a-day (April 9th).
> We need to know how much interest there is in operating on this day, as
> well as what kind of equipment you would be able to bring. We’ll basically
> be using a typical field day setup.
> Chris Hathcock
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