[K4RY] K4RY Summer Plans

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Tue Apr 26 15:46:28 CDT 2016

Congratulations on surviving another semester, AU hams!

After serving two years as VP, I'm honored to be the new club president, and I look forward to leading and growing the club.  When I first joined in my freshman year, there were only three regular members; it's great to see so many people getting active in amateur radio on campus now!  If you ever have any ideas, suggestions, etc., for club activities, let me know!  My campus email address is sueanne at auburn.edu.

If you're planning on staying in town over the summer and want to stay involved with the club, please fill out the (super quick) Google survey at the following link: http://goo.gl/forms/4Xow9pDOhx.  I'll email out the poll results the week after finals, and we can all plan from there.

Don't forget that Bo Bikes Bama is this Saturday.  Email Mike Watkins (or just reply to this email) if you're available to help with radio communications for the event.  You even get a t-shirt!

Lastly, best of luck during finals this week and next!


SueAnne (KK4UWV)

AUARC President

sueanne at auburn.edu
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