[K4RY] Meeting Tomorrow (With Guest Speaker)

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Mon Sep 14 13:29:11 CDT 2015

Good afternoon, radio club!

Firstly, I wanted to remind everyone that we will be meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 18:00 in Broun Hall.  AUARC member and Auburn graduate student Kyle Owen, W4GNU, will be presenting on antique radios: how they work, how to restore them, and more. He'll be bringing along some of his own old radios, so be sure to come by and learn something new!

Also, the radio club banner, for use at events such as O-Days, has been delivered!  We'll have it at the meeting tomorrow night, so everyone can get an up-close-and-personal look.

Lastly, attached is a colorful schedule of all the AUARC events for the semester to help everyone keep up with all the club's goings-on this fall.  If you have anything to add, just let us know and we'll update it!  You'll notice that in two weeks, we're having a "Show and Tell" night, so you know what that means: start gathering your cool electronics projects, be they kits or repairs or made-from-scratch items, and get them ready to bring them to the meeting on September 29 to show off!


SueAnne (KK4UWV)

AUARC Vice President
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