[K4RY] 25 August, 2015 - Meeting Review

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Tue Aug 25 22:02:52 CDT 2015

Hello and welcome back!

Tonight we had our first meeting of the semester, and what a great turnout we had!  The PowerPoint from the introductory portion of the meeting is attached, the last two slides of which include a rundown of what all was discussed, as well as the proposed banner design.  Speaking of the banner, we talked about the font at the bottom; that will be changed and a revised design will be sent out for the next meeting.  Let me know if you have any other critiques, and I'll get them taken care of.

If you are newly licensed, or just new to campus, and would like access to the Broun 411 radio room, email me at sueanne at auburn.edu so that I can request keypad access for you.  Also, if you (or someone you know) has a topic of interest to the club and would like to give a brief (twenty to thirty minute) talk on the subject at a meeting this semester, let me know!  We're always looking for people willing to share knowledge.

As for when the club will be meeting this semester, we'll be taking a poll here: http://goo.gl/forms/5zIWNDtmvt.  Just select what days and times work best for you; I'll send out the "winner" Sunday evening.

To new members: If you're a student, make sure you're registered as a club member on AUInvolve (https://auburn.collegiatelink.net/organization/auarc).  Also, add yourself to the email list at http://mailman.eng.auburn.edu/mailman/listinfo/k4ry.<http://mailman.eng.auburn.edu/mailman/listinfo/k4ry>  Make sure you sign up using username at tigermail.auburn.edu and not just username at auburn.edu.  You'll receive the messages either way, but that "tigermail" part makes all the difference when you try to respond to the emails.

If you're ready to take a license test, send us an email! We have plenty of people authorized to administer the exams, and we can schedule one for whenever suits you!  As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any other club member!


SueAnne (KK4UWV)

AUARC Vice President

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