[K4RY] Simulated Emergency Test

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Mon Sep 29 17:03:50 CDT 2014

Licensed hams of all ages and levels:

If you are available next Friday, October 11, between 1:00pm and 4:00pm, the simulated emergency test needs your help!

Once a year, everyone gets together in the name of emergency preparedness for a multi-hour emergency drill.  Alabama's simulated emergency tests have come in first in the nation for the past two years, and they're hoping to make it a third.  Volunteers are needed to go out to a few locations around Auburn for three hours to read scripted notifications on the radio.

All radio communication will be on the 2m repeater, and as I said, there will be a script.  If you're unlicensed but still want to help, we'd love to have someone shadowing/observing so that once you are licensed, you'll know what's going on and be able to help in the future.

RSVP if you are interested in helping out, as well as if you have a preference as to which location you'd like to help with.  The more participants, the better!  Ideally, we will have two radio operators at each location.  Volunteers will be briefed at next week's AUARC meeting (7 October, 18:00, Broun Hall).

Here's a list of location options:

*         Southwest Volunteer Fire Dept on Wire Road

*         AU Medical Clinic (on campus)

*         AU Public Safety

*         Loachapoka Volunteer Fire on Highway 14 in Loachapoka, just 5 miles west of Shug Jordan Parkway/Hwy 14 bridge.

Community service is a big part of what amateur radio is all about.  Please let us know as soon as possible if you can assist with this!

SueAnne Griffith, KK4UWV
AUARC Vice President

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