[K4RY] Meeting and Updates

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Mon Oct 13 16:39:26 CDT 2014

Good afternoon!

First of all, great job to everyone who helped out with the SET on Friday.  We contributed a lot of points to the Lee/Russell County score and, more importantly, got in some good practice for emergency preparedness.  I talked to some of the guys on the W4LEE net last night, and they were all very appreciative of the club's participation and wanted to extend their thanks to all AUARC members who checked in on Friday.  We've already been invited back for next year's SET!

Secondly, there will indeed be a meeting tomorrow (235 Broun Hall,  18:00).  The topic up for presentation and discussion will be contesting, specifically the ARRL School Club Roundup, a contest we'll be participating in that starts next week.

Lastly, K4RY's Organizational Fund request should be up for review later this month.  Wish Chris and I luck as we beg for the SGA's money for a HackRF, a gel cell marine battery for the repeater, and a nice collection of study guides from the ARRL (https://www.arrl.org/shop/ARRL-Library-Book-Set/).  If all goes well, the club will have some new books and toys by Thanksgiving!

SueAnne, KK4UWV
AUARC Vice President
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