[K4RY] Contest this week; Elections

Christopher Hathcock cwh0009 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Wed Feb 12 09:21:09 CST 2014

We operated for about 30 minutes after the meeting last night and made one contact in North Carolina. I'll be in the shack today from 11AM to Noon if anyone wants to stop by. I'll be operating on 10m and 20m mostly.

I'll also be in the shack this evening but I've got some other stuff to do first. If you're interested in getting on the air on 40m or 80m tonight and you don't have the right license or access to the shack, send me an email and I'll let you know when I'll be in.

Also remember that if you have a technician license you can operate voice on 10m. See the instructions in the previous email. It's mostly active during the day and you'll probably be able to make some contacts with nearby states.

I also forgot to bring it up at the meeting (but we did mention it in the email). Elections are coming up. If you want to run for a position, send me an email and I'll post the candidates before the next meeting.

Have a great day,
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