[K4RY] AUARC Meeting Tonight

Christopher Hathcock cwh0009 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Tue Feb 4 16:35:29 CST 2014

We'll be meeting in Broun 235 this evening at 6:30pm. John Klingelhoeffer suggested in January that we participate in the biannual School Club Roundup contest on February 10th through the 14th. The contest takes place on HF frequencies, so it's a great opportunity for everyone to learn to use an HF radio and get on the air and talk to some people. If you don't have a general license or higher you'll need to operate the radio under someone who does. All normal rules, regulations, and laws apply, so if you'll be restricted to transmitting on the frequencies that either you or the person you're operating with are licensed for. We'll head over to the shack this evening and talk about how to use the radio and the antenna rotator, it's pretty straightforward. You probably won't need the antenna tuner or the amplifier so we'll go ahead and skip that stuff.

We can operate up to 6 hours a day. If you guys want to try and schedule times to meet up and operate the radio, let me know at the meeting or send me an email if you won't be able to make it.

The announcement for this year's contest is here:

The rules for the contest are available here:

I'd also like to try to get the computer back in operation. Eventually we'd like to get the digipeater working but I'd like to get it setup so  you guys can make some RTTY or PSK31 contacts during the contest or decode some SSTV images if you're bored.

Chris Hathcock (KD2BRP)
AUARC President
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