[K4RY] Meeting Tonight (4/23) at 6:30pm in Student Center 2109

John Klingelhoeffer wb4lnm at aol.com
Wed Apr 24 07:33:40 CDT 2013

We also need to talk a bit about echolink. I’m going to see if I can get a temporary echolink node setup over the summer so we can have a few nets over the summer that you can call into. In the fall we need to get up to the eagle’s nest to setup a permanent echolink server as well as get the two repeaters linked so people borrowing radios for the 70cm repeater can get on the 2m net.

Good morning;

As far as EchoLink goes, there is a much easier and quicker approach to implementing and maintaining it.

Instead of putting any additional equipment up on Haley at the repeater (which would mean an internet connection, a reliably working computer, etc.), most folks use the EchoLink "link" approach.  This simply puts a transceiver at a location within the footprint of the repeater connected to a computer that is internet connected.

This can be done with a low power transceiver in Broun (no antenna outside the building is needed) connected to the audio card in a PC.  That's all, in addition to the free EchoLink software.  Thus, all of the maintenance and security can be done at an easily-accessed spot rather than up on Haley.  

The transceiver can be something as simple as one of the $60 imported hand-held transceivers or an old, crystal-controlled commercial transceiver.  It just needs to have CTCSS ("tone") on transmit. 

If this is the approach that AUARC wants to take, then the Club needs to have our trustee, Dr. Hung, register "K4RY-L" with EchoLink.  That will register the remote link with the system.  

It would be great to see a K4RY EchoLink link on the two meter repeater.  It would allow students to speak to folks around the world on their hand held radios.  



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