[K4RY] AUARC Meeting tonight in Student Center 2227

Chris Hathcock cwh0009 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Tue Apr 9 17:24:05 CDT 2013

Hi everyone, we've got another meeting coming up this week. We'll be in
room 2227 this week, and I think that's the first time we've been there
this semester. We voted to approve all the proposed amendments last week.
I've brought a final draft of the constitution with me today. We'll look
over it and if everything looks correct we'll go ahead and get the changes

We also need to schedule a day to get an inventory of all of our equipment
and generally clean up the shack. We also need to discuss what material we
need posted on the website and start preparing it. If you have any
familiarity with developing websites and would like to help maintain ours
then you're more than welcome to.

John also reminded me about echolink. I don't think we've ever talked about
echolink before in a meeting. It basically lets you connect to a repeater
through a phone or computer and talk to people who are using their radios.
There's a big node (K91U) that a bunch of universities use, unfortunately
it's almost never populated so I won't have a very interesting
demonstration. There's some neat things you can do with it.
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