[Comp1000] COMP1000 Exam 1

Onyinye Asogwa ora0002 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Thu Sep 6 11:54:16 CDT 2018

Dear Instructors,

Here's information to share with your students about exam 1.

Make sure that you send out this email no later than tomorrow (Friday) at noon so that students can start studying this weekend.

Please edit it thoroughly to suit your sections.


Hello Students,

Be informed that your first exam is on September 12th, 2018 (next week Wednesday) at your usual classroom and time.
You must practice with post-tests on MyITLab for Word chapters 3, 4 and 5 to pass the exam. Windows 10 and Office 2016 will not be included in the exam questions. Students that have not taken the “Student and Instructor Contract” Quiz (located on the canvas homepage) will not be allowed to take the exam. The deadline for this quiz is Sunday 09/09 @ 11 PM.

1) If you are using the temporary access code for MyITLab, you MUST get the (permanent) access code before Wednesday 09/12 to take the exam.
2) Since the exam will be on MyITLab, you must log into the computers in front of you as soon as you come to class and log into MyITLab using GOOGLE CHROME.
3) You MUST start the exam at the exact class time from the Assignment calendar. Do not start it from the "To-Do List".
4) Make sure that you ALLOW POP-UPS and reload the page.
5) You are free to bring your textbook and access the e-book on MyITLab for the exam. You are not allowed to access the internet.
6) You are responsible for understanding the questions and answering them correctly - you will not be getting any help during the exam.
7) Do not help anyone during the exam. Mind your own work!
8) In case of any technical issue regarding a question, always RESET the question and call the instructor or the UTA when you have no less than 3 attempts for that question.

9) Exam duration is 50 mins for 15 questions and total points is 100%. There are 7 attempts per question.

10) DO NOT hit the SUBMIT button unless you have finished your test!!!

Good luck everyone,

~ Rosemary

Kind regards,

Onyinye Rosemary Asogwa

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Auburn University, AL

E-mail: ora0002 at tigermail.auburn.edu
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