Hi all,<br><br>It appears our dear Alinco 110 has finally died. Although it still makes noise, the display is completely toast, rendering it unusable. When we first got into the room, it wasn't even making a sound after unplugging the speaker cable in the back connecting it to the KPC-2. After leaving it on for a few minutes, it suddenly produced static through its speaker, and connecting it back to the antenna resulted in some slightly stronger static. Unfortunately, it no longer seems tuned to 144.39 MHz, so it cannot be used for the IGate at this point. A new radio will likely need to be purchased. I am unsure the cause of the LCD failure, but my suspicion is that if lightning hit it, more than just the LCD would be dead.<br>
<br>Temporarily, I have connected the dual band IC-207 to the KPC-2, and we are back to receiving RF. Check out <a href="http://aprs.fi">aprs.fi</a> if you'd like to see what kind of traffic we're hearing.<br><br>
Thanks to Chris for helping out!<br><br>73,<br><br>Kyle<br>