[K4RY] Radio Lab Presentation

Remington Harrison rch0012 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Mon Oct 30 14:59:39 CDT 2017

Hi everyone!

Once a semester the club gives a presentation to Dr. Wentworth's 3030 lab ("Radio lab") to show off what ham radio is and hopefully get some recruits that are interested in joining K4RY. We also want to invite them to participate in our fox hunt that week as well. Right now, Nov 6 and 13th (Mondays at 2:00 PM) are available for us to present with the following Thursdays (9th and 16th) for the fox hunt. I am looking for 3-4 people that can present to the radio lab and show off some ham radio projects/equipment that they have. I am out of town the 6th and will be unable to present then, so if we schedule to talk for that day I will need someone else to head up the presentation.

Please contact me ASAP if you are available to help.


-R. Chase Harrison
chase at auburn.edu
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