[K4RY] Meeting Tonight at 18:00

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Mon Jan 25 10:04:54 CST 2016

Radio club: giving you (and Jim Davis's Garfield) a reason to look forward to Mondays!  We'll be meeting tonight in Broun 235 at 18:00 (note the time change from 17:30) to discuss plans for the semester, including but not limited to guest speakers, Merit Badge University, School Club Roundup, etc.  That said, if you'd like to present at a meeting, please let me know so we can add you to the schedule!

Also, tomorrow evening there will be a College Night at the Career Expo in the Auburn Coliseum<https://www.google.com/maps/place/Beard-Eaves+Memorial+Coliseum/@32.6006409,-85.4896045,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xfe443a5cef222539> starting at 18:00.  We've been invited by the EE department to join them at their table to show off radios/electronics to high school students who are looking at attending Auburn.  If anyone would like to volunteer to help man the table, bring an HT or other radio to show off, or otherwise assist, contact Dr. Roppel at roppeth at auburn.edu.

You guys are the coolest.

See you tonight!

SueAnne (KK4UWV)

AUARC Vice President
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