[K4RY] E-day Ham Table

Remington Harrison rch0012 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Mon Feb 22 21:40:28 CST 2016


The EE department has offered the amateur radio club a table right through the front doors of Broun for E-Day (this Friday the 26th, 8-1 pm or so). We'll be close enough to outside so that we can set up an antenna in the small outside area at the top of the stairs. I was going to bring my normal set up and bring the HF radio from the shack and put it on the table as well.

1) Is anyone else in the club available to help man this table on Friday? (I plan to be there all day)

2) Does anyone have anything they have as far as ham stuff/other electronics/handouts/etc that I can put on the table to show off the club to potential EE students?

Let me know if you have any other E-Day ideas.


-R. Chase Harrison
chase at auburn.edu
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