[K4RY] Mission Assignments and Such

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Mon Oct 27 13:59:46 CDT 2014

Oh, ok. Well, they can do the foxhunt and the Morse code thing. It's switches in circuits, which is pretty in line with that age's science curriculum. They can type out their name, favourite colour, or something like that and see how it works (the Atlanta hams had a similar booth for kids at the Faire this year).

Two things at the table shouldn't be bad. What's the estimated time to complete the foxhunt? If it's too long, we can replace it with talking on the HF/how waves work.

On Oct 27, 2014 1:03 PM, Zebediah Whitehead <whitezw at auburn.edu> wrote:
I have the fox hunt setup.
I also have two 2m/70cm handheld units.

Based on discussions with Zenda, I think that we may have too much for one booth/event.  The way she explained it to me was that the children will have to go to each station at the event and once they complete the objective(s) at each station we give them a sticker to put on their passport book.  So, we need to have a preset course of events for our station and must be quick and easy for the 4-5th graders to understand and participate.
So,  what are we going to do to par our table down to simple/fun?


From: k4ry-bounces at mailman.eng.auburn.edu [mailto:k4ry-bounces at mailman.eng.auburn.edu] On Behalf Of SueAnne Griffith
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 8:54 AM
To: Auburn University Amateur Radio Club
Subject: [K4RY] Mission Assignments and Such

Good morning everyone!

Just a reminder that the Junior Mad Scientist event is tonight.  Chris and I won't be able to get off work in time to grab the HF from the shack, so if someone could volunteer (and reply all to this email), that would be much appreciated!  If you agreed at the last meeting to bring something (portable antenna, circuit, etc.), and it doesn't look like you'll be able to get it to the location on time, let us know so we can get a replacement for it.

Let's try to be set up by 17:15 in the red barn/pavilion on the corner of Lem Morrison and Donahue.  The event runs from 17:30 - 19:30, but if you need to leave early, no worries!

Also: there will be a club meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 18:00 in Broun 235.

Hope to see you there,
SueAnne, KK4UWV
AUARC Vice President

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