[K4RY] Fwd: Saturday balloon launch, AUARC members invited

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Wed Jun 18 09:31:23 CDT 2014

Hey K4RY,

I hope everyone is having a great summer! Check out the message below from Keith. He helped out with the Radio Merit Badge event earlier this year, and he does some pretty neat things with radios and other electronics. If anyone is available this Saturday and wants to help out with the balloon launches, let him know.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Keith Warren <keith at spatialmicrosystems.com>
Date: Jun 17, 2014 10:24 PM
Subject: Saturday balloon launch, AUARC members invited
To: SueAnne Griffith <sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu>

Hi SueAnne,

I’m Keith , an Electrical Engineer who lives in Auburn. I’m not sure if you remember me, but Chris brought you and another member of AUARC over to visit at my house a few months ago.

I help the Columbus High School students with a lot of their engineering projects, and one of the things they do a lot is high altitude ballooning .

There is a launch scheduled for this coming Saturday 21 June , actually will be 2 balloons sent off 30 min apart so we will have 2 recoveries.

They have a lot of sensors, HD video, and still cameras etc.

Original plans were to launch end of May and they had a big crew of students to help, but now several of the more active students are

away at summer jobs or research internships and we need help for a double recovery.

So, I wanted to invite any interested students at AUARC if they wanted to participate.

I texted Chris earlier today but haven’t heard back.  I know Kyle wanted to go with us last Saturday (14 Jun) but we delayed due to threat of rain/clouds and he will be away this Saturday.

Also, if anyone has a macbook or iPad or iPhone you could be a beta tester for my new bluetooth tracker during this balloon chase.

If anyone has a mobile (or handheld even) in you car that would be really nice since that would be an extra tracking vehicle, or if not, just being able to operate a radio might be helpful.

So, if you or anyone you know would be interested, please let me know and I can send more details on the balloon payloads and the particular frequencies, and the launch location etc.

Keith Warren

keith at spatialmicrosystems.com

334 707-1472

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