[K4RY] Radio Club Updates

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Fri Feb 21 15:09:14 CST 2014

Good morning!

The radio club meeting this week was rather eventful, so here are some quick updates and reminders:

1.      We held elections.  The results? Chris is still president, I am the new vice president, Derick is now secretary, and Alex is treasurer.

2.      On March 1st, there will be an on-campus event for Boy Scouts, and we've been asked to present for the Radio merit badge.  We'll be in Broun Hall, and the event will last from 7:30-16:00 with lunch included (and a free shirt!).  The requirements for the merit badge, and thus the material we'll be covering, can be found here: http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Radio.  If you're interested in helping out, let Chris or I know as soon as you can.

3.      The BirmingHAMfest is March 1st-2nd.  We'll be occupied the 1st, but if you're interested in carpooling up to Birmingham on the 2nd, let us know!

4.      The club is completely out of QSL cards, so we'll be getting some new ones printed soon.  They'll probably have a photo of Broun Hall and the antenna on them, along with the club logo and the usual QSL card info.

5.      Cheryl from W4HOD, Lee County's Radio Club, contacted us regarding testing sessions for license upgrades.  They can offer the test on the evening of whatever date works for us; we're looking into maybe Wednesday, March 5th from 19:00-20:00.  If this doesn't work for you, let me know by Saturday so we can go ahead and get that scheduled.  Just a reminder: testing is $15 per person.  To prepare for the tests, the club will be having a review session on Thursday, February 27th in the RBD Library at 19:00 and another on March 1st after the merit badge event (and dinner?).

6.      At the next meeting, we'll be soldering the upconverter project (finally!).  After that, Chris will go over some good places for test review materials and planning who will and won't be testing on March 5th.  If there's anything else to add to the agenda, let me know.

SueAnne (KK4UWV)

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