[K4RY] W4E (War4Eagle)

SueAnne Griffith sng0005 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Wed Dec 3 08:34:12 CST 2014

A few quick announcements for the end of the semester:

o   Congratulations to our five new VEs! Credentials should come in the mail within a month of the paperwork being sent in, and then AUARC will be ready to start offering license test sessions.

o   There will be no more meetings this semester, but we do officially have the special 1x1 call W4E (War4Eagle) from Thursday the 4th through Friday the 12th.  The paperwork to change the trustee to someone with a general license has not gone through yet, so until further notice, K4RY is still technician (Though if you are licensed higher, you may use those bands if you specify your call as well.  For example, I could use frequencies allotted to generals and say "This is KK4UWV operating W4E".)

o   The main event for the special call is the SEC Radio Event this Saturday.  If you'd like to get on the air and make some special event contacts, go for it! If you hear another SEC school on the air, be sure to say hello!

o   We have two AUARC birthdays this week.  Happy 25th birthday to club president KD2BRP (Chris) today, and happy early birthday to KK4WZF (Ben D.) this Friday!

o   The memorial service for Glynn O'Steen (WB4PHG) is this Friday at 15:30 at Trinity UMC.  See the forwarded email for more information.

o   Lastly, best of luck to everyone this coming finals week.  Go get 'em!

SueAnne (KK4UWV)
AUARC Vice President
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