[K4RY] AUARC: A reminder to Technicial Class licensees

WB4LNM at aol.com WB4LNM at aol.com
Tue Mar 8 21:03:42 CST 2011

This is just a reminder to our Technician class operators.  Please  
remember that you can operate on the 'high frequencies' in one segment of a real  
long distance band.  As a technician, you are allowed to operate from 28.3  
to 28.5 MHz with the full power of our Kenwood TS-450S transceiver on voice, 
and  our antenna on top of Broun covers that frequency range as well.
This range of frequencies distance capability is greatly variable, but  
right now if it is 'open' it will most likely be so from about 10 AM to 3 PM  
local time.  It's availability varies greatly with the ionization of the  
upper atmosphere charged by particles from the Sun.  At the peak of the  s
unspot cycle in a couple of years, it will be available for hours at a time for  
extremely long distances.  
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