[K4RY] AUARC: Meeting Thursday; 80 M antenna

wb4lnm at aol.com wb4lnm at aol.com
Tue Apr 5 18:06:52 CDT 2011

Yes, a student can sign for it - as a matter of fact, it is more normal for a student to sign for it!  

Would like to know who can do this.  



-----Original Message-----
From: John Y. Hung <hungjoh at auburn.edu>
To: WB4LNM at aol.com
Cc: K4RY at eng.auburn.edu; antiquekid at gmail.com
Sent: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 6:02 pm
Subject: Re: [K4RY] AUARC:  Meeting Thursday; 80 M antenna

I am also out of town Thursday-Friday.  Can a student sign for the room?  Would Kyle be willing to do that?

John Hung

On Apr 5, 2011, at 11:06 AM, WB4LNM at aol.com wrote:

Hi all;
Due to family demands, I won't be able to attend the meeting this coming Thursday, but I hope that you do attend and discuss and decide what steps the Club needs to take next.  Election of officers is mandatory before the end of the semester, which is just a couple of weeks away.  
We do need a volunteer for Thursday to go to the student union and at least sign for the room, whether it is used or not this week.  We have reserved it, and we need to show that we are using it.  It is a much more preferable spot for a meeting than in the radio room, so we want to be good customers.  Please 'talk amongst yourselves' and let me know who is going to go and sign for it - one less thing for me to be concerned about this week.  
Secondly, I was in the radio shack in 411 Broun for a couple of minutes Monday afternoon to make some measurements on the 80 meter antenna.  I'll have a synopsis of that for you soon, but I can say that it does work!
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