[K4RY] AUARC K4RY: Cable removed for repair - Update 03 October

WB4LNM at aol.com WB4LNM at aol.com
Sat Oct 3 17:00:45 CDT 2009

Friday morning, I placed a temporary patch cable in the K4RY station in  
lieu of the assembly under repair that I'd mentioned earlier.  This  temporary 
assembly is an RG-58/U cable with BNC connectors and UHF  adapters.  I 
connected it to the transceiver and antenna feedline and it  works fine.  I 
disconnected it from the transceiver when I left for  lightning safety.
The RG-8 - style cable I'd removed earlier appears to have but one  
connector that was improperly installed.  I'll cut that one off this  weekend and 
install a replacement.  The cable should be back in place  Tuesday morning 
around 10 AM.  
Please remember the School Club Roundup and discuss with other operators  
who might be able to sit in for a session during the week of 19-23  October.  
Even an hour of operation would be of assistance.  
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