[Comp1000] COMP1000 Exam 1

Onyinye Asogwa ora0002 at tigermail.auburn.edu
Tue Jan 29 08:08:16 CST 2019

Dear Instructors,

Please send a class email about Exam 1, tell the students in class and include in your lecture presentations.

Remember to re-open the "Student and Instructor Contract" quiz so that students that have not yet attempted them can do so immediately after their exams.

Note the following:

  *   The date of the exam is on 4th February 2019 for M, W  sections and 5th February for T, R sections. The exam 1 date is mentioned in the course schedule and should be scheduled for ALL students.
  *   Exam duration is 50 minutes and 75 minutes for ADA students.
  *   The exam will be conducted in the usual classroom (COMP 1000 lab) i.e. Shelby 2205.
  *   On the exam day, attendance must be taken. Instructors will mark those students that have not taken the "Student and Instructor Contract" quiz on the attendance sheet (before the exam day/time) and meet them while taking the exam so that they take the quiz immediately after the exam.
  *   The Exam is open book and open ebook, closed notes and closed Internet. Students are allowed to bring their textbooks.
  *   Syllabus for Exam is Word Chapters 3, 4 and 5. Windows 10 and Office 2016 will not be included in Exam 1.
  *   The questions in the exam are very similar to the questions in the post-tests for these chapters. So, the best way to practice for the exam is to practice the post-tests.
  *   Students should come five minutes early so that they receive instructions and hints before the exam.
  *   Students should log in to MyITLab when they come for the exam and remember to ALLOW pop-ups. They should start the exam from the Assignment Calendar; they should not open the exam from the To-Do List tab.
  *   Students will not be getting any help with the questions during the exam from the instructor or the UTA.
  *   The instructor and UTA can only help you with technical difficulties.
  *   Students should reset the questions if they feel that they are doing the right thing but still, the attempt is being counted off.
  *   Don't touch the system of the students during the Exam because if you try to see the question in which he is stuck and you lose an attempt by mistake, they will make you give points for that question.
  *   Don't promise any student to give points to a question unless you are 100% sure that his/her attempts are being counted off even though they are doing the right thing. Also, prevent your UTA from doing the same. UTAs cannot promise points for questions in assignments or Exam. Only the instructor can take this decision.
  *   Take the exam yourself before proctoring it so that you know what to expect.
  *   Each student sees a timer on the Exam. Tell them to submit the exam before the time runs out.
  *   After the exam, you may see some late submissions for Exam. Just go ahead and accept them.
  *   After the exam, they can see their grades instantly. However, if it's counted as a late submission, then you have to accept it before they can see the grades.
  *   You need to schedule the exam for your sections and (if necessary) create a copy for ADA (students with accommodation).
  *   For new instructors/graders/UTAs: All this can be really overwhelming, so please attend your mentor's class and wander with them during the Exam to see how they are handling the questions.
  *   If somebody gets shut out from their exam, then you can give the student the option of accepting the current grade if not too much time is left or tell him to appear for the Makeup. You can also add him to the ADA exam, however, if you are new and unsure of how to do it, then don't do it.
  *   Note:
     *   Both the UTAs and the GTAs should be present during the Exam.
     *   UTAs should let the instructor answer the questions if you are not sure how to handle a particular situation.
  *   How to find the class roster: Log into AU Access -> Faculty/Advisors -> Course Toolkit -> "My Assigned class in Term" -> Select section and click "View class roll" -> Download class roster.
  *   How to view students that responded to the quiz: Click the "Student and Instructor Contract" quiz -> Click Menu -> Show student survey results.

Please email me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Onyinye Rosemary Asogwa

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Auburn University, AL

E-mail: ora0002 at tigermail.auburn.edu
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